Vasi di Zeno

“Mi piace pensare che ogni uomo sia un vaso”. Così è nata la serie “Vasi di Zeno”, la mia metafora, gioiosa, ironca e un po’ irriverente, dell’essere umano durante la propria esistenza. Credo che ogni individuo si possa considerare come un contenitore e, durante la sua esistenza, come ogni essere umano, ha modo di riempirsi con le molteplici esperienze, positive e negative, che la vita gli offre. Naturalmente ogni vaso ha la propria forma e i propri colori in base al contesto sociale in cui si trova e al modo in cui si propone secondo il proprio essere.

“I like to think that every man is a vase”. Thus was born the series “Vasi di Zeno”, my metaphor, joyful, ironic and a little irreverent, of the human being during one’s existence. I believe that every individual can be considered as a container and, during his existence, like every human being, he has the opportunity to fill himself with the multiple experiences, positive and negative, that life offers him. Of course, each vase has its own shape and its own colors based on the social context in which it is located and the way in which it is proposed according to its own being.